Wakefield Business Group

  • Wakefield Group

    Local business group Yorkshire 300 million turnover in the UK and Ireland per year!

    Corporate reliability and service from local businesses. Professionalism of a corporate brand.
  • Based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
    Part of a global organisation.
    Organisation spans 49 countries.
    13,000 members in the UK and Ireland alone.
    680,000 job referred each year, UK and Eire.
    Total value of more than 300 million per year.
    Quality and a professionalism of a global brand.
    Group meetings held over breakfast weekly.
    Give your company greater stability.
    Learn from members in diverse fields.
    The more you give the more you gain.
    Take part in a meeting as a guest.
    Start attrackting more business today!

  • Join us at one of our regular meetings.

    Simply call for more information ...

    ... or contact us using the "Contact us" tab".

    Welcoming and productive environment.
    Fixed 20 point agenda.

  • One member from each profession
    may join the Wakefield group.

    Share referrals with group members
    and they will share referrals back.

    Your business will grow in ways
    you could not have imagined.

  • Leap ahead of competition with ease.

    Welcome to your new Virtual Office twenty thirteen

    Online office available 24 hours a day / 365 days a year

    About the Wakefield group

    Our business group is based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, it is part of a global organisation established in 1985 as a mutually beneficial business-sharing community. The organisation has grown to span 49 countries worldwide and in the UK and Ireland alone, 13,000 members refer around 680,000 jobs a year to each other with a total value in excess of £300 million.

    Why do customers come to us for services?

    When customers select a service through our business group, they have the same assurance of quality and professionalism they would expect from any global brand. The groups can admit only one member from each profession or trade so new applicants are closely scrutinised. Once joined, members partake in continual assessment in accordance with the group’s system and a strict code of ethics is adopted. Protected beneath the group’s umbrella, customers enjoy the benefits of local small business procurement without many of the associated risks.

    About the group meetings

    The Wakefield business group meets once a week. The meetings are normally over breakfast so as not to disrupt the working day and follow a strict 20 point agenda. Priority is given to the exchange between members of work opportunities known throughout the organisation as referrals. The quantity and value of each member’s referrals are recorded and the more members give, the more they may expect in return. Hence the group’s motto, “Givers Gain!”

    “60 Second Slot”

    The highpoint of each meeting, known as the “60 Second Slot”, is how members update the group with all relevant information about their business in exactly one minute. Training for this is available to those who feel they may need it!

    Attracting new business

    Throughout the business day, members of the Wakefield business group carry the details of fellow members with them and use a method called the “Referral Marketing System” to gather referrals as they go about their work. This proven strategy turns the group into an efficient marketing machine which attracts a reliable and steady flow of new business to each member.

    Benefits to members

    The stability offered to a business by being a part of the group and the ability to learn from members who operate in diverse fields, provides a real sense of sharing and belonging. Each member’s business may grow in a supported environment based on trust. The more a member is respected the more referrals will be forthcoming and the more their business will grow. Often in ways they could not have imagined.

    Visit the Wakefield group

    Prospective candidates for membership are welcome to attend a Wakefield business group meeting. Attendees are allowed to observe how the group works but they are not allowed to join in the “60 Second Slot”. Remember also, to take plenty of business cards as every member will want one. All over the world, each group meeting follows the same proven agenda so the experience should be slick and beneficial.

    Contact us

    If you wish to attend a business group meeting and get to know the group, or if you want to buy services from the group, please contact us using the contact form on this site or give us a ring on the number given. We look forward to your call.